Brown University Vartan Gregorian Quad A & B Dormitories - Case Study

Opened in September 1991, this facility has two L-shaped wings with a grassy quadrangle in the middle. The two L-shaped wings are referred to as Vartan A and Vartan B. Vartan A is a six-story structure with a full basement and Vartan B is a four-story structure also with a full basement. The occupancy classification of the building is Group R2/Existing Dormitory as defined by the Rhode Island State Building Code (RISBC) and the Rhode Island Life Safety Code (RILSC)."
Brown University was looking for a way to integrate local and system wide low frequency sounders with their existing addressable fire alarm system that had the ability to bypass control functions like elevator recall, HVAC fans, and security doors. The system had to meet all State and National Fire Alarm Codes along with meeting Brown University standards.Assessment
Working in conjunction with engineers, the Crown Supply Fire Alarm team considered and evaluated several types of low frequency sounders to determined how best to approach the project and design a system that addresses the concerns of Brown University while meeting all code requirements.Solution
During the assessment phase, it became clear that the Honeywell Gamewell-FCI low frequency addressable sounder bases could meet all requirements. These devices can be programmed to activate locally when a dorm room smoke detector was alarmed and also system wide when there was a fire event in a common area. The local alarm would put the panel in a supervisory condition. Common area devices would put the panel in Alarm. Entire room suites were grouped together so that any one device would activate all other sounders in the suite with a low frequency tone.Result
The Crown Supply Fire Alarm team, working closely with the installing contractor, completed the project on time and without interrupting the ongoing functions of the facilities. The installation required very little exposed conduits or “fished” wiring maintaining the aesthetics of both buildings.Crown Supply Provided
- Site Survey
- Product Application Design
- Fire System Programming
- System Integration
- Fire System Testing
- Documentation
Products Installed
- Low Frequency Addressable
- Sounder Bases
Building Size
- 29,000 square feet (A & B buildings combined)
Manufacturers Represented
- Honeywell Gamewell-FCI
- CooperWheelock